Tawwater Law Firm, PLLC

I Had Poor Prenatal Care: Can I Sue for Medical Malpractice?

Nov 15, 2023 @ 07:40 AM — by Larry A. Tawwater
Tagged with: Prenatal Malpractice

The goal of prenatal care is to protect the health of the mother and baby while also identifying any medical concerns during pregnancy that could cause injury or harm to the mother or baby. 

When a doctor fails to meet a standard of care and the mother or baby are harmed as a result, a medical malpractice claim may be filed to recover compensation for a birth injury and hold negligent medical professionals liable. 

At Tawwater Law Firm, our medical malpractice attorneys help Oklahoma CityOK, clients who have suffered from poor prenatal care get the compensation they deserve for their pain and suffering. If you believe poor prenatal care caused harm to you or a loved one, please contact the Tawwater Law Firm to find out if you can sue for medical malpractice.  

What Is Medical Malpractice? 

Medical malpractice is when a doctor, nurse, or other health care professional fails to meet the standard of care in their field due to negligence and causes injury or death to a patient as a result.

In order to file a medical malpractice lawsuit, it must be shown that the doctor had a duty to care for the patient, that the doctor was reckless and their recklessness caused injury, harm, or death, and that the patient suffered losses, such as pain or financial losses, as a result. 

Examples of Medical Malpractice in Prenatal Care

When it comes to prenatal care in Oklahoma City, there are many ways in which a doctor may fail to meet a standard of care and cause harm to either the mother or fetus. 

Types of Complications from Prenatal Care Medical Malpractice 

When medical malpractice happens during prenatal care, it can lead to serious injuries, complications, or even death to the mother or unborn child. Medical malpractice during prenatal care can cause such complications as:

Should You File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

When a mother or baby are harmed due to medical malpractice during prenatal care, negligent medical professionals should be held liable through a medical malpractice lawsuit. 

If you believe your prenatal care was below standard and caused you or your child harm, you may be able to recover compensation for your losses. 

To find out if you have a strong medical malpractice claim, schedule a consultation with one of our Oklahoma City medical malpractice attorneys.