Rear End Auto Accidents: Fighting for Your Legal Rights
At The Tawwater Law Firm in Oklahoma City, we take all kinds of accidents seriously, whether they involve medical professionals or mishaps on the road. Victims of major car accidents need skilled lawyers to aid in the legal process, allowing just compensation to be obtained.
Our attorneys have helped clients involved in various kinds of collisions. With that in mind, we'd like to consider some of the issues that are related to rear end auto accidents, as these occur relatively often.
Defining Rear End Collisions
Rear end auto accidents refer to the front end of one vehicle colliding with the back of a vehicle ahead of it. These accidents can involve a moving vehicle striking a stationary vehicle, or a fast-moving vehicle hitting a vehicle in front of it that is traveling at a slower speed.
Rear end auto accidents can cause major injuries to the neck and spine, along with all serious kinds of bodily harm. One of the most well known kinds of injuries from rear end auto accidents is whiplash, which occurs when the neck is suddenly overextended. The jarring of the accident can also lead to potential head trauma and brain injuries.
Below are some of the common reasons that rear end auto accidents occur.
Reckless Driving and Rear End Collisions
When drivers are speeding or driving in an irresponsible manner that does not abide by the rules of the road, this increases the chances of rear end auto accidents occurring.
Drunk Driving and Rear End Collisions
Drunk drivers often experience impaired reflexes and poor reaction times, which just makes auto accidents more likely to occur in general. The slower reflexes and poor decision-making ability can increase the likelihood of a rear end auto accident.
Texting While Driving and Other Distractions
Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road for multiple seconds at a time, and this can mean all the difference between stopping your vehicle and colliding with a vehicle ahead of you. Never text or use your smart phone while driving, and be sure to avoid other kinds of distraction while you are operating a vehicle.
Faulty Brakes Can Cause Rear End Auto Accidents
Sometimes a driver is being safe and following the rules of the road but his or her brakes aren't functioning properly. Faulty brake pads and malfunctioning brakes can be grounds for a defective product lawsuit against the vehicle maker or part manufacturer.
Poor Weather and Bad Roads Can Also Lead to Injury
Rain, ice, snow, and other kinds of bad weather can make driving dangerous. The change in road traction when it rains and snows can make stopping your car take longer, meaning an increased likelihood of a rear end auto accident.
How Our Legal Team Can Help You
Our team of attorneys will fight diligently for you and your legal rights, making sure that you receive solid legal representation every step of the way. We will help ensure that the negligent party is held accountable for their actions and that you receive just compensation for injuries sustained and damage done to your vehicle.
Contact the Lawyers of The Tawwater Law Firm
For more information about your legal options following a serious auto accident of any kind, be sure to contact our team of personal injury lawyers today. The legal team at The Tawwater Law Firm looks forward to your visit and helping you receive just compensation for your